Furniture for the Institut Saint Augustin in Bouar

In October 2023, a new institute was opened in Bouar in the north-west of the Central African Republic. Its objective is to train new teachers, particularly from the diocese of Bouar. The Institut Supérieur Saint Augustin started in the temporary premises containing an office and a study room. Given the necessity and needs of teachers in Catholic and public schools, there was no time to wait for the construction of the new building to be completed. The diocese of Bouar and the bishop of Bouar, Miroslaw Gucwa, an important authority in the region, are behind the project.

Construction of the building for the institute began in April 2023. It will contain 6 classrooms, a library with the reading room, a large meeting room, administrative rooms and a teachers’ room. This building will be used for the professional training of teachers and for the training of other professions sought after by young people in the region (such as accounting, management, etc.).

Construction by end of 2023

Once the construction is completed, the main concern will be the furnishing of all the premises with furniture: tables, chairs, cupboards, desks with drawers, furniture for the library, etc. Young people will have so the opportunity to study and learn their future profession in good conditions.

The NGO SIRIRI supports educational projects throughout the region. It also trains its primary school teachers through the training courses of the Learning through play in the Central African Republic project. It is for this reason that we would like to support this institute, with which we plan to collaborate.

In 2023, the NGO SIRIRI financed the furniture of this institute by the amount of EUR 16,000.