Sustainable development

In Central African Republic, a country plagued by long term poverty, the objective is not one time humanitarian shipments, but help that will put the local residents up on their own feet.


The work is fun and pleases us, just as the people of CZ help the people of CAR to survive; people of CAR help the people in CZ to understand that the world does not end on their front doorstep, and that even small money from CZ can get a lot done in CAR.

Zero profit

Despite the SIRIRI members striving to gather maximum resources to support their projects, the resources do not serve to enrich any of the aid mediators

Zero politics

Despite the expert consensus that development aid is a political matter, SIRIRI remains non-political as it is not connected to any political institution.

Zero specific religious objectives

Despite the fact that SIRIRI cooperates with a Christian mission, its top priority is to help the needy, not to spread any religion.


is a given for us. We value the support of our donors and are responsible for the transparency of our activities, which is provided by transparent accounts of the individual projects along with an audit report and accounting processed in an Annual Report.

Low price

SIRIRI operates in the Central African Republic as one of few organizations (there are two from the Czech Republic currently in CAR, but SIRIRI is the only one that focuses strictly on CAR) – doesn’t have any competition in this area. Economic situation in the Central African Republic is very bad; two thirds of the population live on resources of less than one American dollar per day SIRIRI keeps nothing from your aid, very low overhead organization’s costs are generally paid by the workers themselves. Even a small amount from you is big help through SIRIRI (e.g. through the Daycare project CZK 1 350 will help to subsidize school attendance, meals and healthcare for one orphan for an entire year).