Chickenhouse in Bozoum
The climate in the Central African Republic is suitable for agriculture and breeding. Yet half of the people suffer from hunger. Among other things, insufficient infrastructure and investment in it are to blame. We are trying to change this with this small project, which aims to enable the breeding of up to 200 poultry. This will increase the supply of eggs and poultry meat on the local market, where it is insufficient.
Our partners have a suitable plot of land for the construction of a chicken coop, which is well secured and hidden. At the same time, the site is in the middle of greenery, which reduces high temperatures during hot days. Until recently, there was a gazebo on the plot, the so-called “paillote”, which is no longer used. The future chicken coop already has perimeter walls and a partial foundation.
The project is part of the current efforts of our partners in the CAR to achieve greater food self-sufficiency and greater involvement in the local economy. The cost of building a chicken coop – wall, fencing from all sides and above – is 2600 Euros.
P. Dieudonné Yahaka and P. Ruffin Yimele from Bozoum
The project was supported by SIRIRI in 2024 with 2600 euros.